photograph of john haggerty

John Haggerty for

California Attorney General 2014


How Can I Help Elect John Haggerty?

You can help elect John Haggerty to replace Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California in one or more of the following ways:

1. Vote for John in the June 3rd Primary Election: Without the votes of citizens, such as yourself, John Haggerty cannot be elected. Please vote for John on June 3, 2014.

2. Invite Your Family, Friends, and Neighbors to Consider Voting For John: Please invite your family, friends, and neighbors to visit this campaign website, Please also inform them that John will be on the ballot everywhere in California; and that, under the new “Top Two” Primary Election system, voters may now vote for the candidate of their choice even if they are not registered with the same party as that candidate.

3. Volunteer: As this campaign proceeds, it will develop several ways in which volunteers can help elect John, such as delivering campaign literature to homes in one’s neighborhood, placing a sign in one's yard, registering voters, bringing voters to the polls, writing letters to the editor, and telephone banks. If you are interested in serving as a volunteer, please complete and mail the PDF form, linked here, to: John Haggerty for Attorney General 2014, 1400 Coleman Ave., Suite C-21, Santa Clara, CA 95050 or e-mail us at

4. Endorse John’s Candidacy: Formal, signed endorsements of John’s candidacy by individuals and organizations that can be publicized by his campaign are always gladly welcome. To make such an endorsement, please complete and mail the PDF form, linked here, to: John Haggerty for Attorney General 2014, 1400 Coleman Ave., Suite C-21, Santa Clara, CA 95050.

5. Donate: While John is running primarily a grassroots campaign that is focused on informing the voters about his campaign through volunteer activities, word of mouth, this website, and the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Guide, his campaign welcomes any donations of money, goods, or services that you may wish to make. Your donations will be used for campaign expenses such as newspaper ads, slate mailers, radio ads, campaign travel, and office expenses.

To donate, please complete and mail the PDF form, linked here, to: John Haggerty for Attorney General 2014, 1400 Coleman Ave., Suite C-21, Santa Clara, CA 95050, with your check, made payable to “John Haggerty for Attorney General 2014”.